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Plana, Giovanni


Altri nomi

Plana, Jean

Author of 125 resources

Owner of 880 resources

is subject of 4 resources

Birth 06-11-1781 Death --01-20

Nationality Italian

Giovanni Antonio Amedeo Plana (6 November 1781 – 20 January 1864) was an Italian astronomer and mathematician. He is considered one of the premiere Italian scientists of his age. The crater Plana on the Moon is named in his honor.

  • Scheda dati autore (per debug... da rimuovere)

      Scheda dati autore

    id: UTO01105067
    name: Plana, Giovanni
    type: P
    dbpedia_absent: false

    === LEGAMI Rinvio/Vedi anche ===
    name: Plana, Jean
    legame: 2

    === LUCENE ===
    nDoc: 125
    nDocED: 0
    nDocPO: 880
    nDocSo: 4
    nDocIM: 0

    === DATI WIKI ===
    Data Nascita: 06-11-1781
    Data Morte: --01-20
    Nazionalità: Italian
    Descrizione: Giovanni Antonio Amedeo Plana (6 November 1781 – 20 January 1864) was an Italian astronomer and mathematician. He is considered one of the premiere Italian scientists of his age. The crater Plana on the Moon is named in his honor.
    Contatore: 6