libraries, torino, books, loan, consultation, authors, publishers, reading, internet library, wifi in the library, libraries torino,Polo 900, University of Torino

Printed books and journals, music, maps and more

Mellana, Claudio


Dates 1948-

Country ITALY

Author of 2 resources

Owner of 1928 resources

Illustratore, fumettista

  • Scheda dati autore (per debug... da rimuovere)

      Scheda dati autore

    id: UTO01106848
    name: Mellana, Claudio
    type: P
    date: 1948-
    ntLocal: Illustratore, fumettista
    placeBirth: ITALY
    dbpedia_absent: false
    placeBirth: ITALY

    === LUCENE ===
    nDoc: 2
    nDocED: 0
    nDocPO: 1928
    nDocSo: 0
    nDocIM: 0