Tatiščev, Vasilij Nikitič
Dates 1686-1750
Tatischow, Basilius
Tatiscev, V. N
Tatiszczew, Wasilij N.
Tatiŝev, V. N.
Author of 1 resources
is subject of 1 resources
1686-1750 // Storico e uomo di Stato.

Nationality Russian
Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev (Russian: Васи́лий Ники́тич Тати́щев) (19 April 1686 – 15 July 1750) was a prominent Russian Imperial statesman, historian, philosopher, and ethnographer, best remembered as the author of the first full-scale Russian history and founder of three Russian cities: Stavropol-on-Volga (now Tolyatti), Yekaterinburg, and Perm. [...] Throughout this work, he advocates the idea that autocracy is the perfect form of government for Russia.
Virtual international authority file: https://viaf.org/