CONTENTS. I. Basic Concepts 1; II. The Thermal Instability of a Layer of Fluid Heated from Below: 1. The Bénerd Problem 9; III. The Thermal Instability of a Layer of Fluid Heated from Below: 2.The Effect of Rotation 76; IV. The Thermal Instability of a Layer of Fluid Heated from Below: 3. The Effect of a Magnetic Field 146; V. The Thermal Instability of a Layer of Fluid Heated from Below:4.
The Effect of Rotation and Magnetic Field 196; VI. The Onset of Thermal Instability in Fluid Spheres and Spherical Shelles 220; VII. The Stability of Couette Flow 272; VIII. The Stability of More General Flows Between Coaxial Cylinders 343; IX. The Stability of Couette Flow in Hydromagnetics 382; X. The Stability of Superposed Fluid: The Rayleigh-Taylor Instability 428; XI. The Stability of Superposed Fluids: The Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability 481; XII. The Stability of Jets and Cylinders 515; XIII. Gravitational Equilibrium and Gravitational Instability 577; XIV. A General Variational Principle 599; Appendix I. Integral Relations Governing Steady Convection 609; Appendix II. The Variational Formulation of the Problem Considered in Chapter V 617; Appendix III. Toroidal and Poloidal Vector Fields 622; Appendix IV. Variational Methods Based on Adjoint Differential Systems 627; Appendix V. Orthogonal Functions whitc Satisfy four Boundary Conditions 634; Subject Index 645; Index of Definitions 653.