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1. Introduction 1; 2. Spectroscopy: the study of interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter 7; 3. Infrared spectroscopy 37; 4. Ultraviolet and visible spectroscopy 61; 5. Fluorescence 91; 6. Nuclear magnetic resonance 127; 7. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy 179; 8. Scattering 217; 9. Raman scattering 239; 10. Optical activity 255; 11. Microscopy 279; 12. Diffraction 299; 13.
Other spectroscopic methods 333; Appendixes : 1. Mathematical functions 343; 2. Oscillators 345; 3. Waves and their superposition 349; 4. Wave mechanics 351; 5. Atomic and molecular orbitals 353; 6. Some concepts of crystal field theory 356; 7. Fourier transforms and convolution functions 359; 8. Magnetic properties of matter 361; 9. Dipoles and the interaction between them 362; 10. Spectra of interacting dimers 364; Index 391; Contents VII.