libraries, torino, books, loan, consultation, authors, publishers, reading, internet library, wifi in the library, libraries torino,Polo 900, University of Torino

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3: Foraggere e tappeti erbosi


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UTOA7@Agraria e Veterinaria


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Inventory AGR 8382
Shelfmark DIPAR AGRO A/263 3
 Notes Agroselviter

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Inventory EDS 91
Shelfmark AGR 20 BALD/19

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Inventory NI 2051
Shelfmark AGR 20 BALD/3
 Notes 1 v.
 Previous location dal 2003-03-14 al 2003-03-14: AGR 20 BALD/2 0000000

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Inventory NI 2784
Shelfmark AGR 20 BALD/14
 Notes 1 v.

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Inventory NI 2785
Shelfmark AGR 20 BALD/15
 Notes 1 v.

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Inventory NI 5668
Shelfmark DIPAR AGRO A/260 3
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Inventory NI 5813
Shelfmark AGR 20 BALD/18
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